Request for Information to Coordinate the Early Childhood Supports and Services (ECSS) Program.
The mission of the Office of Behavioral Health (OBH) is to work collaboratively with partners to develop and implement a comprehensive integrated system of behavioral health and healthcare, social supports, and prevention services that promote recovery and resilience for all citizens of Louisiana. Act 167 of the 2022 Regular Legislative Session further supported this mission by establishing the Early Childhood Supports and Services (ECSS) Program fund, to be used by LDH to implement the ECSS program.
The Early Childhood Supports and Services (ECSS) program will serve children and families at risk for negative outcomes due to child mental health/behavioral concerns, child/parent attachment issues, the environmental impacts of exposure to trauma, family and community violence, parental behavioral health concerns, and social determinants of health such as family housing, employment, and food security. The program will combine high-quality mental health treatment, working with the parent/infant dyad to improve the caregiving relationship, with care coordination and support to reduce the family’s experience of adversity, so families are better able to focus on caregiving relationships.
On 11/09/22, OBH released a Request for Information (RFI), for entities interested in coordinating many aspects of the ECSS program. Responses to the RFI were due on December 30, 2022. OBH received three (3) responses to the RFI.
RFI Responses:
For more information about the RFI please contact:
Beth Scalco, LCSW, MPA Special Projects Manager
Louisiana Department of Health/Office of Behavioral Health