Adult Brain Injury

The Louisiana Department of Health, Health Standards Section (HSS), licenses Adult Brain Injury (ABI) providers.

There are three provider types:

Residential Level of Care- A facility publicly or privately owned, located at one or more geographic addresses, providing a rehabilitative treatment environment which serve four or more adults who suffer from brain injury and at least one of whom is not related to the operator. Services shall include personal assistance or supervision for a period of 24 hours continuously per day preparing them for community integration.  Such services shall be provided by adult brain injury facilities licensed to provide residential level of care services;

Community Level of Care- A home or apartment publicly or privately owned, providing a rehabilitative treatment environment, which serves one to six adults who suffer from brain injury and at least one of whom is not related to the operator. Services may include personal assistance or supervision for a period of us to 24 hours continuously per day in a home or apartment setting preparing them for community integration:

  • The apartment or home shall contain, at a minimum, a living/dining/bedroom area, kitchen/kitchenette, bathroom and storage space;
  • There shall be no more than three bedrooms in an apartment and no more than six beds per home;
  • Such treatment environment shall be provided by adult brain injury facilities licensed to provide community living level of care services;

Outpatient Level of Care- A facility publicly or privately owned providing an outpatient rehabilitative treatment environment which serves adults who suffer from brain injury, at least one of whom is not related to the operator, in an outpatient day treatment setting in order to advance the individual’s independence for higher level of community or transition to a greater level of independence in community or vocational function.  Such services shall be provided by adult brain injury facilities licensed to provide outpatient level of care services.



CHANGESAny change in the facility regarding the following shall be reported in writing to the department no less than five days prior to the change:


Contact Information: 

Jamie Dyer, Medical Certification Program Manager


Phone: 225-342-6446

Fax: 225-342-5073