Adult Day Health Care
Adult Day Health Care Center (ADHC) — a medical model adult day health care program designed to provide services for medical, nursing, social, and personal care needs to adults who have physical, mental, or functional impairments. Such services are rendered by utilizing licensed professionals in a community based nursing center.
An ADHC is a place owned or operated for profit or nonprofit by a person, society, agency, corporation, institution, or any group wherein two or more functionally impaired adults who are not related to the owner or operator of such agency are provided with adult day health care services. This center type will be open and providing services at least five continuous hours in a 24-hour day.
(Louisiana Register Vol. 34, No. 12 December 20, 2008)
- Fees
- Regulations
- State Regulations Minimum Licensing Standards LAC 48:1 Chapter 42
- SB 53 Act 57 2020 Second Extraordinary Session Exemption from the Criminal History and Security Check requirement for certain rehired persons
- Louisiana Register Vol. 44, No. 12 December 20, 2018- Chapter 41 Expedited Licensing Process for Healthcare Facilities and Providers Licensed by the Department of Health
- Initial Licensure
- License Renewal
- Facility Closure: OAAS Memo to Providers Regarding Business Closure Procedures
- Change of Ownership
Phone Number: 225-342-6298