Behavioral Health Services - Adult
1-855-242-0802 |
1-888-756-0004 |
1-844-521-6941 |
1-800-448-3810 |
1-866-595-8133 |
1-844-253-0667 |
Medicaid eligible adult.
Adults eligible to receive mental health rehabilitation services under Medicaid State Plan include those who meet one of the following criteria:
- Must have a mental health diagnosis and
- Must be assessed by an LMHP
Members receiving CPST and/or PSR:
- Must have at least a level of care of three on the LOCUS.
- Must have a rating of three or greater on the functional status domain on the level of care utilization system (LOCUS).
Members receiving IPS and PCS must be
- 21 years and older:
- Transitioned from a nursing facility or been diverted from nursing facility level of care through the My Choice Louisiana program.
For more information, please refer to the BHS Provider Manual.
1. Community Psychiatric Support & Treatment (CPST)
2. Psychosocial Rehabilitation (PSR)
3. Crisis Intervention (CI)
4. Assertive Community Treatment (ACT)
5. Crisis Responses Services
a. Mobile Crisis Response (MCR)
b. Behavioral Health Crisis Care (BHCC)
c. Community Based Crisis Service (CBCS)
6. Crisis Stabilization (CS)
7. Individual Placement and Supports (IPS)
8. Personal Care Services (PCS)
9. Peer Support Services (PSS)
10. Outpatient Therapy with Licensed Practitioners (medication management, individual, family, and group counseling)
11. Addiction Services (outpatient, residential, and inpatient)
12. Psychiatric Inpatient Hospital 18-21 years and over 65 years of age
Adult Behavioral Health services are administered by the Healthy Louisiana Plans. CPST, PSR, CI follow-up, ACT, CBCS, CS, IPS, PCS, and PSS must be Prior Authorized.