Bureau of Legal Services
Kimberly Humbles, General Counsel
The Louisiana Department of Health, Bureau of Legal Services has attempted to provide accurate information regarding its mission, goals, objectives, and origins. However, the Department is not responsible for any omissions or errors, of any kind whatsoever, that may appear on this page. Thus, third parties should not rely on the information that appears on this site.
The Bureau of Legal Services provides legal services to the Department of Health only. The Bureau of Legal Services does not provide legal services or advice to third parties. Further, the Bureau of Legal Services does not issue legal opinions unless the request comes from department personnel.
Mission of the Bureau of Legal Services
The Mission of the Bureau of Legal Services is to provide competent and timely legal services to the Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals
The Department of Health and Hospitals, Bureau of Legal Services has attempted to provide accurate information regarding its mission, goals, objectives, and origins. However, the Department is not responsible for any omissions or errors, of any kind whatsoever, that may appear on this page. Thus, third parties should not rely on the information that appears on this site.
Objectives of The Bureau of Legal Services
(1) To receive, review, and answer requests for advice and counsel, both oral and written, to management and personnel regarding legal questions, case management, program problems, personnel problems, and to recommend appropriate courses of action. To issue appropriate legal opinions; to review, negotiate and/or draft proposed contracts and legal documents; to review and approve/disapprove proposed policy and rule issuances or changes, provide legal commentaries, and ensure conformity of agency rules and regulations with state and federal law; to coordinate all departmental rulemaking activities.
(2) To provide professional and competent representation for the department and all of its offices and/or facilities before state and federal courts, administrative tribunals, and the Civil Service Commission and/or its referees in the defense/prosecution of litigation or matters filed by or against the department (includes new areas of regulatory enforcement, Medicaid appeals and mental health and mental retardation proceedings, interdictions and adult protective services matters).
(3) To maximize the collection of money owed the State of Louisiana; process garnishments, wage assignments and tax levies against department personnel; file bankruptcy claims; provide legal services for third party liability collections/Medicaid claims; recovery of fraudulent claims and/or overpayments and ineligible patient accounts. A new section was recently created to further maximize collection of Medicaid funds due to the State.
(4) To provide complete support services to the department regarding Legislative activities, including drafting activities, complete monitoring of bill status throughout various legislative sessions, arranging legislative committee hearings, providing testimony, problem resolution, and many other legislative functions. The bureau also coordinates the implementation of enacted legislation.
(5) To provide liaison to the twenty-four (24) professional licensing boards under the jurisdiction of the Department of Health and Hospitals.
(6) To provide assistance to the Secretary of the Department of Health and the Executive Management in special areas of concern or interest. To provide investigative services and evaluations of factual data to executive management regarding extremely sensitive and confidential matters.
The Department of Health and Hospitals, Bureau of Legal Services has attempted to provide accurate information regarding its mission, goals, objectives, and origins. However, the Department is not responsible for any omissions or errors, of any kind whatsoever, that may appear on this page. Thus, third parties should not rely on the information that appears on this site.
Origin of the Bureau of Legal Services
Act No. 1 of the First Extraordinary Session of 1988 contained transitional provisions which abolished the Department of Health and Human Resources and created the Department of Health and the Department of Social Services. Included was the full implementation and transfer of agencies and their powers and functions to the Department of Health and Hospitals, including the program and functions of administration and support services to the Office of the Secretary. The Bureau of Legal Services provides support services to the Office of the Secretary and to all segments of the Department of Health and Hospitals.
The Department of Health and Hospitals, Bureau of Legal Services has attempted to provide accurate information regarding its mission, goals, objectives, and origins. However, the Department is not responsible for any omissions or errors, of any kind whatsoever, that may appear on this page. Thus, third parties should not rely on the information that appears on this site.
Program Goal of the Bureau of Legal Services
The overall program goal of the Bureau of Legal Services is to provide professional legal representation and services to the department and to all of its offices and/or facilities. Representation is ongoing and services are provided as requested or required. The program addresses legal issues involved in the daily operations of the agency and its provision of services to its clients.
The Department of Health and Hospitals, Bureau of Legal Services has attempted to provide accurate information regarding its mission, goals, objectives, and origins. However, the Department is not responsible for any omissions or errors, of any kind whatsoever, that may appear on this page. Thus, third parties should not rely on the information that appears on this site.
Specific Goals of the Bureau of Legal Services
(1) To provide timely and accurate legal advice and consultation.
(2) To provide competent, professional legal representation to the Louisiana Department of Health before judicial and administrative tribunals.
(3) To maximize collection of money owed the State by use of legal process.
(4) To provide complete support to the Louisiana Department of Health in legislative activities including, but not limited to, development, passage and implementation of all applicable laws, rules, and regulations.
(5) To provide special investigative services.
The Louisiana Department of Health, Bureau of Legal Services has attempted to provide accurate information regarding its mission, goals, objectives, and origins. However, the Department is not responsible for any omissions or errors, of any kind whatsoever, that may appear on this page. Thus, third parties should not rely on the information that appears on this site.
For inquiries regarding LDH Legal Services please call 225.342.1128.