Case Management (Support Coordination)

Case Management services are defined by the Louisiana Administrative Code (LAC) 48: I. Chapter 49 in accordance with the provisions of R.S. 49:950 et seq. and Medicaid Standards for Participation for Targeted Case Management (LAC 50:XV.Chapters 101-119).  Case Management is defined as services provided to individuals to assist them in gaining access to the full range of needed services including: medical, social, educational and other supports services.

The department utilizes a broker model of Case Management in which individuals are referred to other agencies for the specific services they need.  These services are determined by individualized planning and are provided in accordance with a written and approved comprehensive plan of care.
Licensure Requirements

The foregoing services will not be reflected on the Case Management license until Health Standards Section receives authorization directly from the respective program office. If you already have an active Case Management license and are seeking to add the above services, you will be assessed a $25 license reprint fee.


Developing All Hazards Risk Assessment and Emergency Plans


Contact InformationAdrienne Marchand, BSN, RN

Phone: 225-342-2957

Fax: 225-342-0453
