CNA (Certified Nurse Aide) Registry
Click here to verify the status of a CNA or DSW on the Registry
A certified nurse aide (CNA) is an individual who has completed a nurse aide training and competency evaluation program (NATCEP), which has been approved by the State as meeting the requirements of 42 CFR 483.151 - 42 CFR 483.15, or who has been determined competent as provided in 42 CFR 483.150(a) and (b). The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) mandates that each state maintain a Nurse Aide Registry, for the purpose of tracking current certification status and any findings of abuse, neglect, and/or misappropriation.
The state of Louisiana also mandates that findings of abuse, neglect, and/or misappropriation placed against Direct Service Workers (DSWs) are maintained and tracked in the DSW Registry. The Louisiana Department of Health (LDH) - Health Standards Section (HSS) manages the Louisiana Nurse Aide Registry and the Direct Service Worker Registry. Most providers licensed by the LDH are required to check BOTH registries to verify employment eligibility.
Emergency Declaration: Temporary Waiver of Reciprocity
If an emergency has been declared in Louisiana, a CNA may work in the affected area of for up to 30 days, after current certification in their home state has been verified. Providers may use the Directory of State Registries to contact the appropriate out-of-state Registry for verification. If the aide wishes to work more than 30 days, they must apply for reciprocity with the Louisiana Nurse Aide Registry.
Related Contacts(DSW, MAC, OTIS, LARS, technical issues)
Click here for more information about CNA Certification, including renewal, transfer, and work requirements.
Click here for Nurse Aide Training Program information.
Phone: 225-342-0138
Fax: 225-342-4549