Communities of Priority

Vaccine Equity Creating Partnerships

Black Communities: Black and African American people have the highest COVID-19 mortality rate of all racial and ethnic groups.

  • Vaccination percentages for Black Louisianans are now higher than for their white counterparts at 51.8%.
  • Continued need to address vaccine confidence within some Black communities.

Hispanic and Latino Communities:
 Louisiana Hispanics and Latinos have one of the highest vaccination rates for the initial vaccination series of all racial and ethnic groups.

Tribal Communities: Tribal communities in Louisiana have one of the lowest mortality rates for COVID-19.

White Communities: White people in Louisiana have the second lowest full vaccination rate of the five racial/ethnic groups enumerated.

  • Strong ideological opposition to COVID vaccines is prevalent in this population.
  • Trusted messengers who can address and overcome this opposition are greatly needed.

Rural Communities: 
Rural Louisiana residents are more likely to experience a number of barriers to health, including (but not limited to), lower socioeconomic status, limited transportation options, inadequate community infrastructure, lack of educational access, and limited healthcare options.

People With Disabilities: For COVID-19 vaccines, people with disabilities have lower vaccine rates despite having less vaccine hesitancy. They are more likely to report difficulty getting vaccinated because of:

  • Inaccessible registration process and websites
  • Locations in inaccessible buildings or far from public transportation
  • Lack of accommodations on site
  • Inconsistent vaccine prioritization
  • These individuals also are more likely to smoke, and to have diabetes, heart disease, and/or obesity, all of which lead to a higher risk of being hospitalized or dying from COVID-19.

People Experiencing Homelessness: 
A July 2021 review of 25 communities nationwide found that people experiencing homelessness (PEH) with COVID-19 had a 30% higher risk of death than the overall population.

People Who Use Drugs: People who inject drugs (PWID) are at greater risk for severe morbidity and mortality associated with COVID-19 due to comorbidity, chronic medical conditions and structural inequities associated with housing instability and incarceration.