Louisiana Coroners and Death Investigator Resources

The Bureau of Family Health (BFH) is committed to strengthening and developing our Mortality Surveillance Program which includes Child Death Review (CDR), Domestic Abuse Fatality Review (DAFR), and Pregnancy-Associated Mortality Review (PAMR)The goal of these fatality reviews is to understand how these deaths occur to prevent future injuries and deaths. This is accomplished through a comprehensive review of the circumstances that contributed to each death by a team of diverse, multidisciplinary professionals in law enforcement, healthcare, and other state agencies. This helps to bring awareness to these public health issues and create actionable recommendations.


This webpage serves as a resource for Coroners and death scene investigators seeking information on SUID reimbursements, SUID investigation training, and additional information on SUID. Please contact Victoria.smith2@la.gov with any questions or concerns.

Please note: The Bureau of Family Health does not provide or release autopsies, death certificates, or any other death investigation records.


Thank you in advance for your assistance and we appreciate your collaboration.


Resources for Coroners and Death Scene Investigators:

Coroners and Death Investigator Role in Mortality Surveillance
SUID Investigation Training for Coroners and Death Scene Investigators 
Sudden Unexpected Infant Death Autopsy and Investigation Reporting Form Reimbursement 
Sudden Unexpected Infant Death Investigation Reporting Form (SUIDIRF) ***NEW 2020 VERSION***
SUID- Documenting Cause of Death 
Additional Information on SUID
Contact Information