Direct Service Workers
A Direct Service Worker is an unlicensed person who provides personal care of other services and supports to persons with disabilities or to the elderly to enhance their well-being, and who is involved in face-to-face direct contact with the person. Functions performed may include, but are not limited to, assistance and training activities of daily living, personal care services, and job-related supports.—LAC 48:I Ch 92 Subchapter A 9201
Effective October 1, 2018, the DSW Registry will be moved to the Louisiana Adverse Action website found at the following link: Providers were notified of this change by memorandum dated September 10, 2018. If you did not receive the memo, you may view it here: DSW to Adverse Action Site Memo. Please note that the old look-up site will remain active for verification of certification status of certified nursing assistants (CNA).
- CNA-DSW Registry Verification - only DSWs with a finding placed on Nurse Aide or DSW registries listed
- Exclusions in Hiring Practices - Responsibilities of Providers Enrolled in Medicaid
- Exclusions Special Advisory
- Complaints
Effective 05/11/2011, the DSW verification web site only displays DSW's who have a finding of abuse, neglect, mistreatment or misappropriation of a resident's property placed on either the Nurse Aide Registry or Direct Service Worker Registry.
Direct Service Worker Information
- Provider Memo 06-16-2016
- State Regulations Minimum Licensing Standards LAC 48:1 Chapter 92
- Criminal Background Check Information
All DSW trainings, PowerPoint Presentations, and the LDH approved abuse/neglect trainings previously posted on the Direct Service Worker web page have been moved to the Home and Community Based Services web page found at the link below. Click on the link for Provider Training and Resources: click here
DSW Medication Administration and Non-Complex Tasks
- DSW Medication Administration and Non-Complex Tasks Power Point Presentation, (DSW Rule 12-20-2012)
- DHH Interagency Memorandum - Guidelines for the Didactic Training and Establishment of Competency of Direct Service Workers in Medication Administration and Non-Complex Tasks
- DHH & Louisiana State Board of Nursing - Guidelines for the Didactic Training and Establishment of Competency for Direct Service Workers Performing Medication Administration and Non-Complex Tasks in Home and Community-Based Settings
*** Amendment to Guidelines - Delegation of Pre-measured Dose Nebulizer Treatment by RN
Frequently Asked Questions on Medication Administration and Non-Complex Tasks
Phone: 225-342-3240
Fax: 225-342-0453