EPSDT Behavioral Health Services
1-855-242-0802 |
1-888-756-0004 |
1-844-521-6941 |
1-800-448-3810 |
1-866-595-8133 |
1-844-253-0667 |
1-800-424-4489 |
Medicaid eligible youth who meets the medical necessity criteria for behavioral health services as determined by a licensed
mental health professional (LMHP) or physician.
Meets medical necessity criteria for rehabilitation services for children under the age of 21.
Children and youth eligible to receive mental health rehabilitation (MHR) services under Medicaid State Plan include those who meet one of the following criteria and is 21 years and older:
• Must be assessed by a licensed mental health professional.
Members receiving CPST and/or PSR, ages 6 through 18 years of age, must be assessed using the CALOCUS.
Members receiving CPST and/or PSR, ages 19 through 20 years of age, must be assessed using the LOCUS.
Members who receive Multi-Systemic Therapy, Homebuilders, Functional Family Therapy and Functional Family
Therapy-Child Welfare are not required to be assessed using the CALOCUS.
1. Community Psychiatric Support & Treatment (CPST)
2. Psychosocial Rehabilitation (PSR)
3. Crisis Intervention
4. Crisis Stabilization
5. Outpatient Therapy with Licensed Practitioners (medication management, individual, family, and group counseling)
6. Therapeutic Group Home
7. Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facility (PRTF)
8. Psychiatric Inpatient Hospital
9. Addiction Services (outpatient, residential, and inpatient)
10. Multi-systemic Therapy (MST)
11. Functional Family Therapy (FFT)
12. Homebuilders (HB)
13. Assertive Community Treatment (ACT)
14. Child Parent Psychotherapy (CPP)
15. Parent-child interaction therapy (PCIT)
16. Preschool PTSD Treatment (PPT) and Youth PTSD Treatment (YPT)
17. Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT)
18. Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) Therapy
19. Coordinated System of Care (CSoC) (NOTE: Please see the CSoC section)
20. Mobile Crisis Response (MCR)
21. Community Brief Crisis Support (CBCS)
EPSDT Behavioral Health services are administered by the Healthy Louisiana Plans.
CPST, PSR, MST, FFT, HB, CBCS, and ACT must be Prior Authorized.