Frequently Asked Questions
Q. What is the Coordinated System of Care?
The Coordinated System of Care (CSoC) is an initiative of the State's four child-serving agencies - Louisiana Department of Health (LDH), Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS), Office of Juvenile Justice (OJJ) and Department of Education (LDOE) - to provide intensive care management and family-driven, youth-guided services to a small group of children with complex needs who are in or at-risk of being in out-of-home placements.
Q. How do I enroll my child in the Coordinated System of Care?
Families or providers can call Magellan of Louisiana at 1-800-424-4489. They may also call their Healthy Louisiana Plan to determine what they need. Through a specific screening process, the plan will identify children and youth who should be screened for CSoC enrollment. Regardless of CSoC eligibility, the plan will ensure that children and youth are referred to providers who can meet their needs.
Q. Who qualifies/how to refer?
Magellan of Louisiana and each Healthy Louisiana Plan operate a toll free number which is staffed 24/7 to take calls from anyone who has a behavioral health issue, provide over-the-phone crisis support as needed and help people find the right treatment.
CSoC will be recommended for children and youth who have very complex behavioral health needs and who are at risk of or are living out of their family homes.
Q. How can I contact my Healthy Louisiana Plan?
Contact information for the Healthy Louisiana Plans can be found here. If you are not sure to which plan you belong, please call 1-855-229-6848 (TTY: 1-855-526-3346).