For Children & Families
Medicaid administers several programs that provide various health care coverage services to children and families who meet certain eligibility qualifications.
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- Ask a question about Medicaid programs
- Services for Members 0-21
- Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic, and Treatment (EPSDT) Age Out
Find a Program For You/Your Family |
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I am a low-income parent, and I need health insurance for my children. |
Louisiana Medicaid, which provides health care coverage to children and families who meet certain income qualifications. |
I need health insurance for my children, but I make too much to get Medicaid. |
LaCHIP, which offers health insurance to children. Learn more. LaCHIP Affordable Plan, which covers children whose parents earn too much to qualify for LaCHIP. Learn more. |
I have a disability and want to work, but I'm afraid of losing my Medicaid coverage. |
Medicaid Purchase Plan, which helps people with disabilities keep Medicaid benefits they qualify for while they work. Learn more. |
I have a child with a disability, but I make too much to qualify for Medicaid. |
Family Opportunity Act Medicaid, which lets higher-income families who have children with disabilities buy in to the Medicaid program for health care coverage. Learn more. Act 421 Children’s Medicaid Option (TEFRA) - For certain children under the age of 19 with disabilities who meet an institutional level of care. Provides full medical coverage to children whose assets do not exceed $2,000 in value and whose income does not exceed three times the federal benefit rate. Learn more. |
I am looking for dental services for my child ages 0-20 or denture services for members age 21+. |
Dental Services are provided through two dental Benefit Managers. LDH has contracted with DentaQuest and MCNA Dental to provide dental benefits for qualified Medicaid enrollees. Learn more. |
For information about any of these programs, call the Louisiana Medicaid Customer Service Hotline at 1.888.342.6207. The call is free.
You can apply for any Medicaid programs/services through the Louisiana Medicaid Online Application Center.
Class Action Notice - A.A. v. Abraham