Going the Distance:
Emerging Infections for Long-term Care SettingsViral Respiratory Diseases Detection and Containmentin Long-term Care Facilities Workshop

Preventing viral respiratory diseases in long-term care settings will reduce morbidity and mortality of vulnerable patients. The Infectious Disease Epidemiology Section of the Louisiana Office of Public Health held a virtual, half-day workshop. This educational activity targets infection preventionists employed in long-term care settings as well as infectious disease personnel across the provider spectrum who have roles in infection surveillance and reporting.

This no-cost virtual workshop was held October 22, 2020 from 9:00 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. Click here to view the *agenda. You may view the webinar recording by clicking here.  Or copy and paste the following link into your web browser: https://ldhophbidinfectdisepi.zoom.us/rec/play/ufzp_1ISxVJciQg6hnBOz79JQ-nA4BeSPvE7gYNocSNlBRWak4-RtTTpABKhFxZWdPqn4oUshrkTyJFV.diG66ZJnd-i87WQB?autoplay=true.


Learner Resources: 

Welcome and Introductions

Hurdles and High Jumps: COVID-19 and Influenza 2020-2021

The Gold Standard: Enhanced Barrier Precautions

Vaccination Pole Vault: Promoting Employee Influenza Vaccinations

Containment Marathon: COVID and Other VRD Testing Guidance

Detection Dash: Cohorting Strategies

Sprinting to the Finish: Evaluations

Presentation is not available for download

*Planners and speakers do not have financial or non-financial relationships with any commercial interests that would create conflicts of interest with these presentations.

 This nursing continuing professional development activity was approved for 3.0 contact hours by Louisiana State Nurses Association, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. Activity number: LSNA-100610644-2020

 Registrants:  Please note that your participation at the entire workshop is required to receive continuing education units. Certificates will be emailed upon completion of the evaluation.  Email marceia.walker@la.gov with questions.