Home & Community-Based Services

The Office of Aging and Adult Services (OAAS) administers home and community based long-term care services (HCBS) through various waiver and state plan programs for individuals who are elderly or have disabilities, assisting them to remain in their homes and in the community. The intent of these HCBS programs is to provide services and supports that are not otherwise available and that assist an individual to remain in or return to the community.  These programs do not individually or in combination provide 24-hour-per-day supports.  This means that in many cases it may be necessary and desirable for individuals to use other paid and unpaid supports at their disposal.

Medicaid Services

Community Choices Waiver: The Community Choices Waiver (CCW) serves seniors and persons with adult onset disabilities as an alternative to nursing facility care. Based on a standardized assessment, each recipient is provided a budget based on acuity to create an individual service package. The CCW contains a wide array of services including: support coordination, nursing and skilled therapy assessments and services, in-home monitoring systems, home modifications and assistive technologies, personal care, home-delivered meals, monitored in-home caregiving, and caregiver respite. Learn more

Adult Day Health Care Waiver:The Adult Day Health Care Waiver (ADHC) is a community-based service delivered in an adult day health center which provides supervised care to adults in a supportive and safe setting during part of a day. Services provided by staff at licensed ADHC facilities include personal care assistance, health education, health screening, medication management, and others .Learn more.

Long-Term Personal Care Services:
The Long-Term Personal Care Services program provides help with activities of daily living for people who qualify for assistance under the program guidelines. This program does not individually or in combination with other OAAS programs provide 24 hour per day supports. Learn more.

Program for All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE):This program coordinates and provides all needed preventive, primary, acute and long-term care services so that older people can continue living in the community. The emphasis is on enabling senior citizens to remain in their communities while enhancing their quality of life. Learn more.

For information about any of these programs or to apply for services, call the Louisiana Options in Long Term Care Hotline at 1.877.456.1146 (TDD: 1.877.544.9544). You can call Monday through Friday between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. The call is free.

Other Community Services

Permanent Supportive Housing: The Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) program helps people with the most severe and complex disabilities live successfully in the community by combining individualized community-based services with affordable rental housing. Learn more.

For more information about Permanent Supportive Housing, please call the PSH office at 1.844.698.9075.

Louisiana's Traumatic Head and Spinal Cord Injury Trust Fund Program (THSCI): This program provide services in a flexible, individualized manner to Louisiana citizens with traumatic head or spinal cord injuries. Learn more.

For more information about Louisiana's Traumatic Head and Spinal Cord Injury Trust Fund Program, please call 1.888.891.9441.

State Personal Assistance Services Program: (SPAS): This program provides personal assistance services to people with significant disabilities to assist them with activities of daily living.

For more information about SPAS, please call ARC of Louisiana at 1.866.966.6260.