The Louisiana Hospital Licensing Standards define a "Hospital" as any institution, place, building or agency, public or private, whether for profit or not, maintaining and operating facilities, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, having 10 licensed beds or more, properly staffed and equipped for the diagnosis, treatment and care of persons admitted for overnight stay or longer who are suffering from illness, injury, infirmity or deformity or other physical or mental condition for which medical, surgical and/or obstetrical services would be available and appropriate.
In accordance with RS:40:2102, the term "hospital" does not include the following:
- Physicians' offices or clinics where patients are not regularly kept as bed patients for twenty-four hours or more.
- Nursing homes are defined by and regulated under the provisions of R.S. 40:2009.1 through R.S. 40:2009.12.
- Persons, schools, institutions, or organizations engaged in the care and treatment of children with intellectual disabilities and which are required to be licensed by the provisions of the Developmental Disability Law (R.S. 28:451.1 et seq.).
- Hospitalization of care facilities maintained by the state at any of its penal and correctional institutions provided that nothing herein contained shall prevent a penal or correctional institution from applying for licensure of its hospitalization or care facility.
- Hospitalization or care facilities maintained by the federal government or agencies thereof.
- Hospitalization or care facilities maintained by any university or college provided that nothing herein contained shall prevent any college or university from applying for licensure of its hospitalization or care facility.
- Any other entity licensed for the diagnosis, treatment, or care of persons admitted for overnight stay.
Acts 2014, No. 811, § 22, eff. June 23, 2014
Note: Facilities under 10 beds shall not be licensed as a hospital and shall not care for patients overnight unless authorized to do so under another state law.
Hospital Directory
(This includes locations, service types, and license expiration dates)
- Hospital Provider Directory by Regions
- Hospital Providers in Spreadsheet Format
- Hospitals with NICU, OB, and Well Baby Units- last updated 06/21/2024
- Hospital License Expiration Dates
- Hospital Psychiatric Beds
- Hospital Skilled Nursing Facilities- SNFs
- Transplant Hospitals
Trauma Centers
Memos and Notices
- Survivor's Guide
- ACT 246 - 2024 Louisiana Regular Legislative Session
- ACT No. 59 (HB 618)
- Notice of Parental Rights form
- Electronic CMS-10455
- Requirements of Act 122 of the 2024 Regular Legislative Session
- ACT No. 737 - Discharge and Suicide Risk Memo
- ACT No. 737 - Warnings of Self Harm
- ACT No. 769: Reporting the Detection of Fentanyl in Minors
Licensing Regulations
- Hospital State Regulations Minimum Licensing Standards LAC 48:1 Chapters 93, 94, 95, 96.
- Louisiana Register Vol. 44, No. 12 December 20, 2018- Chapter 41 Expedited Licensing Process for Healthcare Facilities and Providers Licensed by the Department of Health
- Federal Regulations
- Emergency Treatment - EMTALA
Hospital Licensing Packets and Actions: Click Here
Emergency Preparedness
RE-ENTRY PROCESS for Reoccupying and Reopening Following Emergency Events
Developing an All Hazards Risk Assessment and Emergency Plan
Payment Procedures
Helpful Links
- Louisiana Office of State Fire Marshall (Scheduling): click here
- Louisiana Office of State Fire Marshall (Log-in Page): click here
- Office of Public Health (Scheduling): click here
- Department of Environmentatl Quality (DEQ): click here
- CLIA: click here
Phone: 225-342-9348