Hurricane Preparedness for ConsumersAs you get ready for hurricane season, make plans for your medical needs, including your medications.


Ahead of time, prepare:

  • Keep your prescriptions up to date.
  • Refill your medications as early as possible.
  • Ask your doctor for a copy of your current labs and an extra paper copy of all of your prescriptions.
  • Prepare a list of important phone numbers:
  • Your medical providers
  • Your insurance
  • Your case manager
  • Make a list of pharmacies in your network and print it if you can.
  • At the beginning of hurricane season contact your case manager for updated emergency preparedness information.


When you evacuate, take:

  • All your medications in their original bottles
  • An extra paper copy of all of your prescriptions
  • Copies of your medical information
  • Important phone number list
  • Doctor & clinic name & contact information
  • Insurance cards
  • Medical equipment and devices (such as dentures, crutches, prostheses, etc.)
  • Water and non-perishable food
  • Clothes, sleeping supplies, maps, cash
  • Your family members and pets
  • Do not stop other medications that you may be taking to treat eye or lung infections, to lower blood pressure or cholesterol or to control your diabetes. If you are running out of these medications take your medicine bottles and/or medication list to a local provider or pharmacy to get refills.
  • If you evacuate to a location within Louisiana you can receive additional assistance at any of the Ryan White case management agencies listed below. If evacuating to another state you should contact the local statewide HIV or STD Hotline. This number can be found in the phonebook or by calling information at 4-1-1. For a free call to information dial 1-800-GOOG-411 or 1-800-free-411.


For contact information on the Hospital and University-based HIV Clinics as well as Ryan White Case Management Agencies please click here.


If you see a doctor at an LSU-affiliated clinic and you need help getting treatment or another doctor needs additional medical information concerning your care, call the toll-free LSU Patient Relations Line at 1-888-652-7699.