Indoor Environmental Quality Education Service (IEQES)

SEET provides telephone consultations for mold and other indoor environmental quality concerns. Printed information is also available upon request. The section does not provide inspections of homes or buildings, nor conduct mold remediation services. We can, however, provide guidance on how to select private environmental consultants but can not recommend specific contractors.

To find the name of a contractor in your area who is licensed to perform mold remediation, contact the Louisiana State Licensing Board at (800) 256-1392 or (225) 765-2301 or visit their website:

For information on issues involving outdoor air, call the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality's Outdoor Air Quality Assessment Office at (225) 219-3488.

Click Here for Frequently Asked Questions about Mold.


The BREATHE Program

 Indoor Environmental Events of Interest

Indoor Environmental Quality Education Service (IEQES) Resources:

Mold Resources:

Asthma Resources:

Flooding Cleanup Resources:

Formaldehyde and Trailer Information:

Odor Information:

Radon Resources:

Publications & Reports

