Infectious Disease Epidemiology Program
(800) 256-2748  (24 hours/ 7 days)

The Infectious Disease Epidemiology (IDEPI) section is staffed by epidemiologists and support staff who track the causes and consequences of infectious diseases. The purpose of the section is to study the distribution of infectious diseases in the community and to carry out or coordinate programs to prevent and mitigate the spread of communicable diseases. The Infectious Disease Epidemiology Program is funded through cooperative agreements with the State of Louisiana and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 


Connect With Us:

To view a directory of Public Health Infectious Disease Epidemiology personnel click here.
To report HIV, STDs, Hepatitis B, or Hepatitis C, click here to contact the STD/HIV/Hepatitis Program.
To contact the Tuberculosis (TB) Control Program about reporting click here.
To report other Infectious Diseases click here for more information.
To contact the Immunization Program click here.

To contact the Section of Environmental Epidemiology and Toxicology (SEET) about mold, other indoor environmental concerns, or private well testing call (888) 293-7020. Click here for more information. 

Register for the Viral Respiratory Diseases Virtual Workshop on November 14, 2024

Feeling Sick?

Let us know if you believe something eaten at a Louisiana Restaurant made you ill

Complete this Foodborne Illness Survey

 Healthcare-associated Infections & Antibiotic  Resistance Monthly Office Hour Series

Prevention & Control Office Hour Registration

NHSN Office Hour Registration 

Respiratory Viruses

Respiratory Virus Dashboard

Respiratory Viruses Surveillance Summary

LDH COVID-19 Priority Portal

Arbovirus Activity

Surveillance Summary Reports

 Health Alert Network (HAN) Messages

Louisiana HAN Messages