LEERS Death Module

What is EDR?

The primary purpose of an EDR system is to enable the participants of death registration to file death records with local and state registrars electronically. An EDR system provides for on-line access so that decedent fact-of-death and cause-of-death information can be registered electronically by multiple death registration participants working on the same case. With an EDR system, funeral directors will be better able to serve families by obtaining copies of death certificates with fewer errors, faster and more efficiently.

EDR Features

  • User-friendly death record data entry screens
  • Highly secure and Internet-accessible
  • Available 24 hours/day, 7 days/week
  • Accommodates large funeral home firms and small funeral homes
  • On-line help and instructions built into the system
  • Help desk support

EDR Benefits

  • Provides for paperless filing of a death record
  • Provides the capability to electronically order certified copies for the family
  • Eliminates the need to physically track down physicians to obtain signatures
  • Facilitates on-line collaboration among multiple death registration system users, including funeral homes, physicians, coroners, and local and state registrars
  • Supports the completion and filing of a death record that is partially an electronic record and partially a paper certificate if all participants are not on-line
  • Improves the timeliness and quality of death data
  • Reduces errors by verifying the decedent's SSN by automatically matching with SSA files
  • Enables faster death registration at the Vital Records Office, which will speed turnaround time for obtaining certified copies for families
  • Improves fraud prevention by using electronic authentication
  • Allows for the printing of the Burial Transit Permit (BTP) at the local funeral home

LEERS Death Module Information

Below you will find LEERS Death Module Forms, Guides and General Information. We will routinely be adding and updating information on this page for our user community.

LEERS Death Module User ID Agreements

LEERS Death Module User ID Agreement - Fillable (for Funeral Homes)

LEERS Death Module User ID Agreement - Fillable (for Physicians and Coroners)

SSA Louisiana Funeral Director Policy for Report of Death (SSA-721)

SSA Louisiana Report of Death Policy (Issued July 9, 2012)

EDR Presentation

LEERS EDR Presentation

EDR Promotional Materials

LEERS EDR Brochure - Funeral Homes

LEERS EDR Brochure - Medical (Coroners/Physicians)

Medical Certifiers