Program Provider Directory Spreadsheets

Louisiana Department of Health, Health Standards Section now offers the following fields (if applicable) for active providers for free in Microsoft Excel spreadsheet format. 

NOTE: Changes made to any provider during the month will be reflected on the following month's report (posted by the 5th of the month).

Any other field that is not listed below will require a formal data request.

  1. Program Description
  2. Facility Name
  3. Geographic Address
  4. Geographic Parish
  5. Mailing Address (if applicable)
  6. Original Licensure Date
  7. Licensure Expiration Date
  8. Administrator (if applicable)
  9. E-mail Address (if applicable)
  10. Facility Telephone Number
  11. Facility Fax Number
  12. LDH Region Code
  13. License Number


Licensed Providers Spreadsheet : The Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet contains the following program types:

  1. Adult Brain Injury
  2. Adult Day Health Care
  3. Adult Residential Care
  4. Ambulatory Surgical Centers
  5. Behavioral Health Service Providers
  6. Case Management
  7. Crisis Receiving Centers-Level III (Freestanding)
  8. End Stage Renal Disease
  9. Forensic Supervised Transportation
  10. Free Standing Birth Centers
  11. Home and Community Based Services
  12. Home Health
  13. Hospice
  14. Hospital
  15. Intermediate Care Facility/ Developmentally Delayed
  16. Nursing Home
  17. Nurse Staffing Agencies
  18. Pain Management Clinics
  19. Pediatric Day Health Care
  20. Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facilities
  21. Rural Health Clinics
  22. Therapeutic Group Home


Certified Providers Spreadsheets: The Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet contains the following program types:

  1. Community Mental Health Centers
  2. Comprehensive Outpatient Rehabilitation Facilities
  3. Federally Qualified Health Center
  4. Lab-CLIA
  5. Nurse Aide Training School/Program
  6. Outpatient Physical Therapy/ Speech Pathology Services
  7. Portable X-Ray Suppliers


NOTE: Changes made to any provider during the month will be reflected on the following month's report (posted by the 5th of the month).