Vital Records - Locations to Purchase Birth Records


Vital Records Central Office

New Orleans VItal Records Walk-In Services are currently available by using VitalChek ordering and choosing the "Will Call" option for delivery. Customers will receive an email once the order has been processed and is ready to be picked up. 

Walk-in Service Hours: 8:00 A.M. to 3:30 P.M. (excluding state holidays)

Central Office Phone Hours: 8:00 A.M. to 4:30 P.M (excluding state holidays)

The Vital Records Central Office provides walk-in services for certified copies of Louisiana birth certificates. Clients may also submit documents to begin an amendment case, adoption, or delayed birth certificate. Walk-in services only accept cash, check, or money order as forms of payment (no credit or debit cards).


Kiosk Services

Kiosk Service Locations Hours of Operation: 8:00 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. (excluding state holidays)

Vital Records Kiosk Locations provide walk-in customers the opportunity to order certified copies of Louisiana birthth certificates from locations outside of Vital Records Central Office. In order to place an order at a kiosk, customers follow on-screen instructions and answer questions to provide information in order to authenticate identity. Orders may be purchased with a debit/credit card or personal check.

Once placed, customers have the option of having kiosk orders mailed to them, mailed via expedited shipping, or picked up in person at the New Orleans Central Office front counter during business hours.


Clerks of Court

Participating Louisiana Clerks of Court offices may offer certified copies of birth records under Louisiana Law.


Customers may also place orders for birth records via mail or fax.