The Center for Environmental Health monitors diseases in food, water, air and soil.


Louisiana ranks among the top states in the nation in per capita production of hazardous wastes and in the amount of chemicals released into its water, air, and soil. Since 1980, the Section of Environmental Epidemiology and Toxicology (SEET) has addressed morbidity and mortality associated with environmental chemicals. In recent years, there has been an increase in public awareness of the immediate and long-term health effects related to chemicals in the environment and, as a result, a greater demand for SEET to investigate these effects.

SEET responds to these requests by:

  • Identifying chemicals in the environment which are likely to cause adverse health effects;
  • Evaluating the extent of human exposure to these chemicals and the resultant adverse health effects;
  • Making recommendations for the prevention and reduction of exposure to hazardous chemicals; and
  • Promoting a better public understanding of the health effects of chemicals in the environment.

As a public health program using an applied science approach, SEET investigates the health effects of chemical exposures in populations. It supports, collaborates, and participates in environmental health research. SEET is committed to reducing any known environmental threat to the public's health; it also provides information and data to the public to ensure better government policies and personal choices. Public health education efforts by SEET promote awareness of environmental health issues and are an integral part of its mission.

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