Electronic visit verification (EVV) is a computer-based system that electronically verifies service visit occurrences and documents the precise time services begin and end via smart devices. The purpose of an EVV system is to verify that individuals are receiving the services authorized in their plans of care, reduce inappropriate billing/payment, safeguard against fraud and improve program oversight. Louisiana’s EVV system is part of the Louisiana Service Reporting System (LaSRS) operated by the state’s data and prior authorization contractor Statistical Resources, Inc. (SRI).
Louisiana's Transition to EVV:
LDH is in the process of implementing its EVV system with in-home providers. EVV is being implemented through a regional phase-in process across the state. By using a phased approach, LDH is able to collect practical feedback from participating providers that may be used to address any system or usability issues as they are identified. This has been helpful in facilitating a smooth transition to EVV and the statewide transition is expected to be completed by March 2018.