Mpox Information

Mpox Overview

CDC is closely tracking cases of mpox recently detected in the United States. As part of this 2022 U.S. Mpox Outbreak, the Louisiana Department of Health (LDH) identified its first case of mpox in a Louisiana resident on July 7, 2022. 

There are likely more undiagnosed human cases of mpox in Louisiana than have been formally tested and identified to date. LDH will continue to keep this webpage updated with the latest case count, guidance and resources for the public and providers.

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • fact

    What is mpox?

    Mpox is a potentially serious viral illness that typically involves flu-like symptoms, swelling of the lymph nodes and a possibly painful rash that includes bumps that are initially filled with fluid before scabbing over. Illness could be confused with a sexually transmitted infection like syphilis or herpes, or with chickenpox.

    Most people with mpox recover in 2-4 weeks, but the disease can be serious, especially for immunocompromised people, children and pregnant people.

    To date, there have been zero confirmed deaths resulting from mpox in this recent U.S. outbreak.

  • fact

    How is mpox spread?

    Mpox spreads in different ways. Mpox virus is most often spread from one person to another, through direct contact with a rash or sores of someone who has the virus.

    It can also spread through contact with clothing, bedding and other shared items used by a person with mpox; or via respiratory droplets that can be passed through prolonged face-to-face contact, or during intimate physical contact including kissing, cuddling or sex.

    People who do not have mpox symptoms cannot spread the virus to others.

  • fact

    What are the symptoms of mpox?

    You may experience all or only a few of the symptoms of mpox. Symptoms of mpox can include:

    • Fever
    • Headache
    • Muscle aches and backache
    • Swollen lymph nodes
    • Chills
    • Exhaustion
    • A rash that can look like pimples or blisters that appears on the face, inside the mouth, and on other parts of the body, like the hands, feet, chest, genitals or anus

    Sometimes people get a rash first, followed by other symptoms. Others only experience a rash. Some cases in the current U.S. outbreak have experienced only isolated rashes in the genital region or other body parts (e.g., hands, chest, face, in the mouth). Lesions are often described as painful until the healing phase when they become itchy (crusts). 

    Symptoms usually start within two weeks of exposure to the virus but can start up to three weeks later. Within 1-3 days of symptoms beginning, people usually develop a rash or sores.

  • fact

    What do I do if I have symptoms?

    Contact your healthcare provider immediately and avoid sex or other close, intimate contact until you have been checked out.

    Testing for mpox is now widely available through reference laboratories in addition to the state public laboratory. If you have symptoms and would like to be tested for mpox, contact your healthcare provider. Anyone without a provider or insurance can also be tested at their local parish health unit or community clinic:

    Avoid gatherings, especially if they involve close, personal, skin-to-skin contact or prolonged face-to-face contact.

    Talk to your partners about any recent illness and be aware of new or unexplained sores or rashes on your body or your partner’s body, including rashes on the genitals and anus.

    People with new rashes should also be aware that the rate of syphilis is rising in Louisiana and nationally.

    If your test for mpox is positive, stay isolated until your rash has healed, all scabs have fallen off, and a fresh layer of intact skin has formed.

  • fact

    Is there a mpox vaccine and who is eligible?

    Yes, JYNNEOS is the name of the FDA-approved mpox vaccine. This is a two-dose vacccine, administered 28 days apart. Full protection begins two weeks after the second shot. The mpox vaccine is FDA approved and available at no cost to the individual.

    Vaccine Eligibility

    The Louisiana Department of Health recently expand eligibility for the mpox vaccine. As of August 31, 2022, the expanded criteria for vaccination include people in Louisiana who meet one of the following:

    • Gay/bisexual men or transgender people who are sexually active with more than one partner
    • Anyone who is at high risk of monkeypox exposure: This includes but is not limited to people who:
      • Are HIV positive or receive medicines to prevent HIV infection (PrEP)
      • Are experiencing homelessness
      • Use IV drugs
      • Give or receive money or other goods in exchange for sex
      • Have significant, skin-to-skin contact with others in a social or sexual venue
      • Work at establishments where sexual or intimate activity occurs (e.g., bathhouses, saunas, sex clubs, hotels)
    • Clinicians or laboratory staff who are at high risk of occupational exposure
    • Anyone who has been determined to be at high risk by a healthcare provider or public health official

    It is a high priority to provide vaccine pre-exposure to at-risk individuals; we are actively advocating CDC for sufficient allocations to be able to do so.

    Important note: Anyone can contract monkeypox and the current eligibility criteria are only limited to the above groups because they are most at risk based on the first diagnoses we have seen. However, the criteria will be expanded as additional vaccine becomes available and/or individuals from other groups are diagnosed. 

    Here is a list of all locations in Louisiana that have received mpox vaccine. We recommend you call ahead.

More Frequently Asked Questions

Mpox Vaccine Resources