Louisiana 988 Helpline

All of us need help sometimes, free of stigma. An easy call or text to the Louisiana 988 helpline ensures everyone has confidential access to quality emotional support, no matter the cause. The helpline works and helps thousands of people every day. Learn more at Louisiana988.org.

Transforming Maternal Health (TMaH) in Louisiana

The Louisiana Department of Health is seeking provider and stakeholder engagement, feedback and partnership for a Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) funding opportunity focused on improving maternal health.

Women's Health and Community Health

LDH's new Office of Women's Health and Community Health (OWHCH) is dedicated to improving women's health outcomes including needs throughout a woman's life, chronic or acute conditions, access to healthcare, how poverty impacts women's health, leading causes of morbidity and mortality, and health disparities.

Stronger Immunities Build Stronger Communities

Thanks to routine vaccines, we can maintain stronger immune systems to protect against serious and preventable diseases. Learn about immunizations and the diseases they prevent, access your vaccine records and more.

FY 2023 Business Plan Outcomes Report

The Louisiana Department of Health has released its annual Outcomes Report detailing the results of key initiatives and policy goals for FY2023. LDH was successful in completing 91.1% of its 45 goals and 92.5% of its 253 deliverables outlined in the FY 2023 LDH business plan titled  "Invest: Teaming Up for a Stronger LDH and a Healthier Louisiana".

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