Vital Records - Modified Office Hours - Super Bowl LIX

Bureau of Vital Records and Statistics - Modified Office Hours for Super Bowl LIX

Beginning Monday, February 3, through Friday, February 7, the Bureau of Vital Records and Statistics will be open for walk-in customers from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Virtual office hours will be held from 12:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.  Learn More...

Get a Game Plan

The Governor's Office of Homeland Security (GOHSEP) has updated the features on the Get A Game Plan App offering Louisiana residents a new resource for developing and finalizing their emergency plans. The Get A Game Plan mobile app is designed to prepare Louisiana residents for emergency events with preparedness tools, guides and push notifications.

Women's Health Resource Map

The Office of Women's Health & Community Health (OWHCH)'s new interactive map provides easy access to services and supports that are tailored to meet the needs of women across the state - including birth centers, councils on aging, food banks, housing authorities, job centers and senior centers.


Louisiana’s Healthcare Employment Reinvestment Opportunity (H.E.R.O.) grant application is open Dec 2, 2024 through January 31, 2025. The H.E.R.O program seeks academic/industry partnerships that increase access to training and education and address the need for high-demand healthcare professions.

Louisiana 988 Helpline

All of us need help sometimes, free of stigma. An easy call or text to the Louisiana 988 helpline ensures everyone has confidential access to quality emotional support, no matter the cause. The helpline works and helps thousands of people every day. Learn more at

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