Act 401 of 2014 requires state government agency websites to publish information and reports when the agency is in the process of adopting, amending, or repealing a rule or fee. The notices accessible within these pages, as required by Act 401 0f 2014, are not certified as the official copies published in the Louisiana Register and the Louisiana Administrative Code as they may be subsequently revised by the Office of the State Register pursuant to La. R.S. 49:983 prior to publishing. Access to official copies of rulemaking notices are available from the Office of the State Register.
Access to each offices’ ongoing rulemaking and fee reporting are linked below:
- Bureau of Health Services Financing
- Health Standards Section
- Office for Citizens with Developmental Disabilities
- Office of Aging and Adult Services
- Office of Behavioral Health
- Office of Public Health
Petitions to LDH
Petitions to LDH and its offices requesting the adoption, amendment, or repeal of a rule shall be made pursuant to La. R.S. 49:953C, which provides in pertinent part, “An interested person may petition an agency requesting the adoption, amendment, or repeal of a rule. Each agency shall prescribe by rule the form for petitions and the procedure for their submission, considerations, and disposition. Within ninety days after submission of a petition, the agency shall either deny the petition in writing, stating the reasons for the denial, or shall initiate rulemaking proceedings in accordance with this Chapter.” The form for petitioning LDH may be accessed here. Petitions must be signed and received by USPS certified mail at: LDH Rulemaking Coordinator, Office of the Secretary, Louisiana Department of Health, Post Office Box 629, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70802-0629.
Annual Reports
LDH's annual rulemaking reports to the legislature may be accessed here.