LDH Division of Safety/Security & Administrative Services

Welcome to the LDH Division of Safety/Security & Administrative Services page! This site is set up for LDH Safety Coordinators/Officers, Agency/Facility Property Managers/Liaisons, Contracts & Procurement Coordinators, Lease Coordinators, Pcard Holders, and Telecommunication Coordinators/Liaisons to obtain information regarding safety in the workplace, contracts/procurement, pcard, and to obtain the latest forms and policies affecting their respective areas of expertise.

LDH DSSAS Staff Contacts

LDH Safety Coordinators 

Office of State Buildings and Bienville Building Rules

Safety and Security Resource Links

Safety and Security Audit Supporting Documentation

Section 1.1:  General Safety

Section 1.2:  Safety Meetings and Training

Safety Coordinators are permitted to choose any safety topic quarterly with the exception of Quarter 3 (January - March), which is the designated quarter in which LDH agencies are to cover LDH Safety Rules via online training and any other policy related and/or policy review topic(s).   

Listed below are some topics/links agency Safety Coordinators might want to consider choosing from for Quarters 1, 2, and 4:

Section 1.3:  Inspections

Section 1.4: Incident/Accident Investigations

Section 1.5:  Return to Work

Section 1.6:  Blood Borne Pathogens/First Aid

Section 1.7:  Emergency Preparedness Plan

Section 1.8:  Hazardous Materials

Section 2.1: Driver Safety Program

Section 2.2:  Inspection and Repair of State Owned Vehicles

Section 2.3:  Driver Training

Section 2.4:  Driver Record and Forms

Section 3.1: Bonds Crime, and Property Program

Section 3.2: Bonds Crime, and Property Employee Responsibility

Section 3.3: Security

Bienville Building badge forms have been removed from this site as they must be completed by an official Bienville Building Badging Coordinator only (Timothy White or Trina Hull).  Prepopulated badge forms are not permitted since all data must be verified and entered by the Bienville Building Badging Coordinator only.  Galvez Parking Garage access (Parklync) will be entered when the new employee/contractor physically comes in to see the Bienville Building Badge Coordinator to obtain paperwork for a Bienville Building identification/access badge.  Employee/contractor shall have a P#/H# and an official state email address before any badging form and/or parking garage access will be issued.

LDH employees that schedule meetings within the Bienville Building are responsible to notify their meeting attendees (visitors) about the Galvez Parking Garage validation procedures.   Below is a sample message that can be cut and pasted into your meeting invite which includes directions to the Bienville Building, visitor check in procedures, and parking validation procedures.

  • Bienville Security Procedures
  • Benson Tower Tenant Parking Update Form - Complete and submit to LDHREPLease@la.gov. 
  • ORM Securing Data Confirmation Form
  • Sample Message to Add to Bienville Building Meeting Invites with Visitors
  • Bienille Building Parking Garage License Plate Reader (ParkLync) Tenant Enrollment Form - Complete and submit to Timothy A White and Trina Hull
    • Galvez Parking Garage validations shall be completed/submitted within 30 minutes of arrival into the garage.
    • LDH employees that are in a loaner/rental for less than 5 days should validate their parking daily at one of the security desks within the Bienville Building. 
    • If an employee will be in the loaner/rental vehicle for an extended period of time (5+ days) it is recommended that the employee temporially replace a vehicle (limited to two) with the loaner/rental on their ParkLync profile. To do this the LDH Employee is to complete the above form and submit.
    • LDH is consistent in the reviewing and handling of questionable employee/visitor parking citations. LDH shall not be held responsible for employees/visitor not validating their vehicle timely or accurately.   If there is an error on LDH’s part, LDH will address that parking citation; however it is each employee/visitor personal responsibility to validate and input correct data for parking in the Galvez Parking Garage.  There is signage reminding to validate in and around the Galvez Parking Garage, at the employee and main entrance of the Bienville Building, inside elevators, and at all Security Guards desks within the Bienville Building.

Section 3.4:  Key Control

Section 4.1:  Equipment Management (Site/Office Specific)

Section 5.1:  Water Vessel (Site/Office Specific)

Section 6.1:  Flight Operations (None)

Administrative Services Policies and Forms

LDH Agency LaGOV Security Access Form and Docusign Access Form & Training 

  • Docusign Access Request Form - Complete and submit to Timothy A White and Trina Hull
    • Employees do not need a DocuSign account to e-sign documents, they just need to click the “Review Documents” hyperlink in the email and follow the easy prompts. They will then have an option at the end to create a free e-signing account if they wish (cannot send envelopes), but it is entirely optional. 
    • DocuSign accounts are only needed for those that intend to send envelopes (documents) for e-signatures and please note that LDH accounts are monitored regularly for idle accounts, misuse, and fraud. 
      • Accounts that are deemed idle (no envelope sent from account for 90+ days) are automatically suspended.  Should an account be suspended it can be reactivated upon written justification for reactivation to the account administrators.  Account administrators reserve the right to obtain further approval from agency appointing authority, if deemed necessary.
  • DocuSign ESignature: Video Series
  • LaGOV Security Purchasing, Contract, and Inventory Access Form - Complete and submit to Ashley Poche and Jessica Saloom
  • LaGOV Security Maintenance Operations Access Form - Complete and submit to Susan Spell and Trina Hull

LDH Property Control

LDH Mailroom (Bienville Building)

LDH Telecommunications

LDH Printables

LDH Contracts/RFP

LDH Leases

LDH LaCarte Purchasing Card (Pcard)