The Drinking Water Revolving Loan Fund Program (DWRLF)

The Drinking Water Revolving Loan Fund Program (DWRLF) was established in 1997 in accordance with the Safe Drinking Water Act Amendments of 1996 to provide low-interest loans and technical assistance to public water systems in the state to assist them in complying with Federal and State drinking water regulations and to ensure that their customers are being provided with safe drinking water in order to protect the public health. This program is funded through Environmental Protection Agency capitalization grants which are matched each year with 20% state monies.

Mission and Vision
To improve the public health of Louisiana citizens by assisting public water systems with delivering safe and affordable drinking water.

The goal of the DWRLF is to provide assistance in the form of low-interest loans and technical assistance to public water systems in the state to assist them in complying with state and federal drinking water regulations to ensure that their customers are being provided with safe drinking water in order to protect the public health.

Featured Services

Technical Assistance

Some of the DWRLF set-aside monies are designated for technical assistance to small public water systems serving under 10,000 population. The DWRLF has a circuit rider who makes on-site visits to these systems providing assistance with technical problems and/or managerial problems. The DWRLF also contracts with an outside party to provide a circuit rider to provide a quarterly training session for these systems to educate them in basic public water system requirements, and operations and maintenance.

For more information contact at (225) 342-7499


Dan MacDonald, Deputy Chief Engineer, Infrastructure & Finance

Carrie Creel, DWRLF Financial Manager



     Drinking Water Revolving Loan Fund Program

     Office of Public Health

     Department of Health

     Post Office Box 4489

     Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70821-4489


    628 North Fourth Street

    Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70802