Rudy Macklin Receives W. Clyde Partin Award for Encouraging Healthy Lifestyles in Louisiana
Wednesday, Feb. 29, 2012 | Contact: DHH Media and Communications (225) 342-8518 or (225) 276-4803 (cell) |
Baton Rouge - Department of Health and Hospitals Secretary Bruce D. Greenstein today presented Louisiana Governor's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports Director Rudy Macklin with an award on behalf of the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, honoring his work to promote physical fitness and healthy living.
Macklin, a former LSU and NBA basketball star who is also Director of Minority Health at DHH, was selected for the W. Clyde Partin Award, which the Alliance presents annually to someone who makes significant contributions to promote or enhance health and physical activity.
"Rudy is the embodiment of our message for people to own their own health," Greenstein said. "We are all responsible for making time to exercise, eating healthy foods and knowing our risk for chronic disease. His leadership during the annual Governor's Games for youth and other programs empowers Louisianians of all ages to step up and make positive choices. I am glad we are able to recognize his work with this award."
Greenstein presented the award to Macklin at DHH, joined by Katherine Hill and Dee Jacobsen, both board members of the Louisiana Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance.
The Alliance is comprised of 13 Southern states from Texas to Virginia. Each state can nominate one person annually for the W. Clyde Partin Award. Macklin was Louisiana's nominee, chosen for his work through the Governor's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports to sponsor a speaker and two events at the Outdoor Education and Recreation Conference, which took place in Baton Rouge. In their nomination, conference organizers said the event was a huge success because of Macklin's efforts. He was also chosen for his continued promotion of physical fitness among Louisiana schoolchildren.
"I am honored to receive this award, and will continue using my work to show people there are easy steps they can take to be healthy," Macklin said. "I am especially excited about our upcoming Living Well in Louisiana challenge. A lot of people made resolutions to eat right and get in shape this year, and we're here to help them succeed."
The Governor's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports will kick off Living Well in Louisiana, a yearlong healthy lifestyle program in which people participate in a series of healthy eating and physical activity challenges, next month. Macklin created this program, and he will be encouraging participation statewide.
The Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals strives to protect and promote health statewide and to ensure access to medical, preventive and rehabilitative services for all state citizens. To learn more about DHH, visit For up-to-date health information, news and emergency updates, follow DHH's blog, Twitter account and Facebook.
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- Photo available for download
- Photo caption: DHH leadership and board members of Louisiana Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance present Rudy Macklin with the W. Clyde Partin Award. (L-R) Dee Jacobsen, Katherine Hill, Bruce D. Greenstein, Rudy Macklin, Kathy Kliebert, Jerry Phillips.