Louisiana leads the nation in childhood obesity. However, various health and physical fitness organizations throughout the state are looking to slim down the problem. The Environment and Health Council of Louisiana, in conjunction with the Louisiana Council on Obesity Prevention and Management, will sponsor a statewide conference to discuss factors that lead to childhood obesity and explore solutions. Conference attendants will look into the benefits of long-term prevention options, such as better health and fitness classes and nutrition programs implemented in schools.

A press conference will take place between sessions, where Department of Health Secretary David W. Hood, State Representative Jane Smith and Donna Nola-Ganey, assistant superintendent for the Office of School and Community Support, will address the media on childhood obesity solutions. The conference is free; however, registration is encouraged. For information on how to obtain an attendance form, please call (504) 280-7216.

What:       Childhood Obesity in Louisiana Conference

When:       Tuesday, March 18
                 8 a.m. until 12:30 p.m.
             **Press Conference at 10:35 a.m.**

Where:     Lindy C. Boggs International Conference Center
                 University of New Orleans

                 Registration: Registration is strongly encouraged
                 (504) 280-7216