Hackberry, LA. --- Cancer incidence information for Cameron Parish will be presented by the Louisiana Tumor Registry (LTR) and Louisiana Department of Health on Monday, November 3, 2003 in Hackberry, Louisiana.

Cancer rates in the parish were reviewed due to concerns from Hackberry, LA residents. This came as a result of a presentation by the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) to the neighboring Calcasieu Parish this summer about blood dioxin levels in the area.  After the presentation, Hackberry residents in attendance expressed concerns about cancer rates in their community to DHH. 

The residents later contacted ATSDR and asked the federal health agency to investigate a possible connection between cancer cases and environmental factors.  The three agencies have followed up on the community’s request and representatives of LDH and LTR will provide information at a community forum. This meeting will consist of a brief presentation, followed by a question and answer session. 

Discussion topics will include specific cancer incidence rates for Cameron Parish, suspected causes of cancer and various cancer types, how the Louisiana Tumor Registry obtains data and analyzes the reported cancer cases in Louisiana, along with national cancer rates as they compare to Cameron Parish, the role the Department of Health plays in studying cancer, and what public health services the agency provides. 

WHAT:     Presentation on cancer review for Hackberry, LA.
WHEN:     Nov. 3, 5:30 – 7:30 p.m.
WHERE:  Multi-Purpose Building
                  986 Main Street
                  Hackberry, LA