Enrolling in the Louisiana Medicaid program has become faster and more efficient thanks to an online application process now available through the Department of Health Web site.
Louisiana citizens applying to enroll in any Medicaid program can use the online application process. This includes applying for Medicaid, LaCHIP (children’s health care coverage), LaMOMS (coverage for pregnant women), the Medicaid Purchase Plan (coverage for workers with disabilities), the Medicare Savings Program (premium assistance for Medicare recipients) and TAKE CHARGE (family planning services for women).
Once the online application is submitted, it is sent immediately to the office that will process the application. There is no delay for mailing or faxing, as might be experienced with a paper form.
A paper application can still be used for enrollment; these are available at any Medicaid office or Medicaid application center, downloading it from the Web site, or by requesting it from the toll free Medicaid hotline at 1-888-342-6207.
The online application was launched on Oct. 10, 2007. In the first ten days, 500 applications had already been filled out.
For more information on the Louisiana Medicaid program, visit www.medicaid.dhh.louisiana.gov or call the toll-free hotline at 1-888-342-6207.