The Louisiana Department of Health is providing no-cost vaccinations to the Lake Charles community from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Friday, Sept. 4. The vaccines will be administered by public health nurses at 113 W. McNeese St., at the intersection of West McNeese Street and University Drive. Please bring your identification to the vaccination site.
The following vaccinations are being provided:
  • Tetanus (Tdap): It is important to be vaccinated for tetanus if you have not been vaccinated during the past 10 years.
  • Hepatitis A: Louisiana is currently experiencing an ongoing outbreak of Hepatitis A. This vaccine is recommended for those at high risk and anyone interested in reducing their risk of infection from Hepatitis A.
  • Hepatitis B: Hepatitis B vaccine is recommended for anyone who performs direct patient care, routinely comes into contact with blood or other bodily fluids, or is interested in reducing their risk of infection.