This RFI is issued for the purpose of gathering information from qualified Intermediate Care Facilities for Individuals with Intellectual / Developmental Disabilities (ICF/IIDs) in Louisiana to serve 23 individuals with high risk behaviors and complex behavioral support needs. The ICF/IID provider responding with interest shall indicate the number of facilities to be licensed and the bed capacity at each facility; the bed capacity at any one licensed facility shall not exceed 15 beds. The ICF/IID providers responding with interest must have experience in supporting individuals with high risk behaviors and must have buildings and sufficient staff to support these individuals within a 30 day time frame. Providers responding with interest should outline demonstrated capacity and competency to timely support and provide treatment, medical services, assistance with activities of daily living, and related and necessary services to the identified individuals. Providers must demonstrate the ability to support the 23 individuals identified by LDH in need of emergency placement. Additionally, the provider must demonstrate the ability to accept additional referrals for emergency placement of new admissions who meet the same profile, as bed capacity permits. All new admissions would be directed from LDH OCDD only, and individuals would only be placed in this facility when no other appropriate placement is identified.
- RFI Document (April 01, 2021)
- RFI Document (November 09, 2020)