In accordance with the provisions of the Administrative Procedure Act, (R.S. 49:950, et seq.) and under the authority of R.S. 46:972, notice is hereby given that the Louisiana Department of Health, Office of Public Health (LDH-OPH) is promulgating an emergency rule to amend Title 48, Public Health General; Part V Preventive Health Services; Subpart15. This action is being taken pursuant to the emergency rulemaking authority granted by R.S. 40:4(A)(13) and in accordance with the intent of HCR 170 of 2014. LDH finds it necessary to issue this emergency rule to ensure that the State of Louisiana remains in compliance with applicable federal regulations of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). Failure to timely adopt such amendments may cause federal monetary sanctions to be imposed against the Louisiana WIC program. The effective date of this emergency rule is October 1, 2016 and, unless terminated earlier, it shall remain in effect for the maximum time period allowed under law. At this time, the Louisiana WIC program intends to publish a Notice of Intent under regular rulemaking procedures in the November 20, 2016 Louisiana Register.