Reports: Medicaid

June 27, 2024
In accordance with 42 CFR § 438.66(e), LDH submits an annual report to CMS on each managed care program administered by the State. The annual report is a component of CMS’ overall strategy to improve access to services by supporting Federal and State access monitoring for Medicaid beneficiaries within a managed care delivery system.
January 03, 2024
Annual reports from Louisiana's Medicaid program (Bureau of Health Services Financing).
January 03, 2024
In accordance with CMS’ External Quality Review (EQR) protocols and IPRO’s contract with Louisiana Department of Health (LDH), IPRO is tasked with validating performance measures reported annually by the Healthy Louisiana Medicaid Managed Care Organizations (MCOs) operating in the state of Louisiana.
October 23, 2023
In response to Act 207 (SB 305) of the 2003 Regular Session, LDH is required to submit certain information regarding the Medicaid Buy-In Program to the legislature, including the status of the buy-in program, a report relative to the estimated value of the state, federal and FICA taxes paid by the participants in the buy-in program, and any recommendations for expanding coverage in the buy-in program.
February 23, 2023
The Department of Health submits a detailed monthly report to the Legislature that provides a comprehensive overview of Medicaid spending. The reports include projections for future revenues and expenditures for the given state fiscal year.
January 27, 2023
The Louisiana Department of Health (LDH) submits this study of Medicaid residential substance use disorder (SUD) service rates across states and recommendations for rate increases pursuant to House Concurrent Resolution (HCR) 111 of the 2022 Regular Session requesting LDH to examine options to improve reimbursement rates for residential substance abuse treatment facilities.
September 23, 2022
The Louisiana Health Insurance Survey (LHIS) has been the primary source of health insurance related data on Louisiana residents since its inception in 2003 and has helped the state track the effects of economic and policy changes over time as well as identify areas of need to focus new efforts to increase insurance coverage and access to care.
August 29, 2022
Important information related to Home and Community Based Services
June 13, 2022
The Department of Health submits a detailed monthly report to the Legislature that provides a comprehensive overview of Medicaid spending. The reports include projections for future revenues and expenditures for the given state fiscal year.
January 07, 2022
The Department of Health submits a detailed monthly report to the Legislature that provides a comprehensive overview of Medicaid spending. The reports include projections for future revenues and expenditures for the given state fiscal year.