Services Available to Medicaid Eligible Children Under 21
If you are a Medicaid recipient under the age of 21, you may be eligible for the following services:
- Doctor's Visits
- Hospital (inpatient and outpatient) Services
- Lab and X-ray Tests
- Family Planning
- Home Health Care
- Dental Care
- Rehabilitation Services
- Prescription Drugs
- Medical Equipment, Appliances and Supplies (DME)
- Support Coordination
- Speech and Language Evaluations and Therapies
- Occupational Therapy
- Physical Therapy
- Psychological Evaluations and Therapy
- Psychological and Behavioral Health Services
- Podiatry Services
- Optometrist Services
- Hospice Services
- Extended Skilled Nurse Services
- Residential Institutional Care or Home and Community Based (Waiver) Services
- Medical, Dental, Vision and Hearing Screenings, both Periodic and Interperiodic
- Immunizations
- Eyeglasses
- Hearing Aids
- Psychiatric Hospital Care
- Personal Care Services
- Audiological Services
- Necessary Transportation: Ambulance Transportation, Non-ambulance Transportation
- Appointment Scheduling Assistance
- Substance Abuse Clinic Services
- Chiropractic Services
- Prenatal Care
- Certified Nurse Midwives
- Certified Nurse Practitioners
- Mental Health Rehabilitation
- Mental Health Clinic Services
- Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA)
and any other medically necessary health care, diagnostic services, treatment, and other measures which are coverable by Medicaid, which includes a wide range of services not covered for recipients over the age of 21.
If you need a service that is not listed above, call the Medicaid Specialty Care Help Desk at (toll free) 1-877-455-9955. If they cannot refer you to a provider of the service you need, call 225-342-5774.
Children enrolled in a managed care plan can access the listed services through their individual Health Plan:
Aetna Better Health of Louisiana | 1-855-242-0802 |
AmeriHealth Caritas Louisiana | 1-888-756-0004 |
Healthy Blue | 1-800-521-6941 |
Louisiana Healthcare Connections | 1-866-595-8133 |
United Healthcare Community Plan | 1-866-675-1607 |
Chisholm Class members are allowed to participate in managed care plans. For recipients under Aetna, AmeriHealth Caritas of Louisiana, Healthy Blue, Louisiana Healthcare Connections and United Healthcare consult the plan to find out how to obtain services other than dental. If you are a Medicaid recipient, under age 21, and are on the waiting list for the DD Request for Services Registry, you may be eligible for support coordination services. To access these services, you must contact your Regional Office for Citizens with Developmental Disabilities office. If you are a Medicaid recipient under age 21, and it is medically necessary, you may be able to receive support coordination services immediately by calling Statistical Resources, Inc. (toll free) at 1-800-364-7828.
Some of these services must be approved by Medicaid in advance. Your medical provider should be aware of which services must be pre-approved and can assist you in obtaining those services. Also, Louisiana Medicaid can assist you or your medical provider with information as to which services must be pre-approved.
Whenever health treatment or additional services are needed, you may obtain an appointment for a screening visit by contacting your primary healthcare provider. Such screening visits also can be recommended by any health, developmental, or educational professional.
To schedule a screening visit, call (toll-free) 1-800-259-4444 (or 225-928-9683, if you live in the Baton Rouge area). If you have a communication disability or are non-English speaking, you may have someone else call and the appropriate assistance can be provided.