Louisiana Health Department: Sexual Assault Response Plans

As part of our commitment to transparency and community engagement, the Louisiana Health Department (LDH) is dedicated to ensuring the public has access to important information regarding sexual assault response efforts across the state.

In the 2015 Regular Session of the Louisiana Legislature, Act No 229 was enacted relative to the examination, treatment and billing of survivors of a sexually oriented criminal offense. Included in Act 229 was the requirement that the Louisiana Department of Health, through the medical directors of each of its nine regional health service districts, shall coordinate and submit an annual sexual assault response plan for each district to the LDH Secretary by November 1st of each year.

In response to Act No. 669 of the 2024 Regular Session of the Louisiana Legislative Session, LDH is making available all regional Sexual Assault Response Plans.  This legislation aims to enhance accountability and ensure that stakeholders are well-informed about the processes and protocols in place to address sexual assault in their communities.

Select an area of the map to see the plan for each region.


Region 5 Region 8 Region 7 Region 6 Region 4 Region 2 Region 9 Region 3 Region 1 Regional Map - Click to get regional information


Ensuring the safety and well-being of all residents is our top priority, and we remain committed to transparency and accountability in our efforts to support survivors of sexual assault.