Health Care Employment Reinvestment Opportunity (HERO) FAQs

What is the H.E.R.O (Health Care Employment Reinvestment Opportunity) fund?

Established in 2021, and updated with HB 329 (Act 607) in 2024, the Health Care Employment Reinvestment Opportunity (H.E.R.O.) Fund seeks grant applications from healthcare training and education programs and healthcare industry partners to meet the growing employment demands for nursing, allied health professionals and other high demand health care providers.

In terms of in-kind match, does employee time at healthcare partners count (release to act as a mentor perhaps) and, if so, at what rate per hour?

If a healthcare partner is paying one of their employees to be a clinical instructors, a mentor or a preceptor, the time dedicated by that position for that specific purpose would be considered an eligible in-kind matched expense meeting the mandates of the legislation which created the program.

Who is responsible for administering the funds?

The Louisiana Department of Health is responsible for overseeing this program and will be the agency that announces awards and provides reimbursements towards awarded proposals.

Who is eligible for the funds?

Eligible grant recipients include a lead application entity and at least one community healthcare partner. Proposals must include a “healthcare program” which includes education institutions and training programs and a “healthcare partner” which includes health care providers, facilities, or healthcare related organizations licensed or operating in Louisiana. Regional non-profit organizations may also be considered for either lead or partner entity. Training must benefit students and health care organizations within the state of Louisiana.

When will applications be accepted?

The submission period for this round of proposals is currently open and will close at 4:00 p.m. CT on January 31, 2025.

How exactly would a nursing home or other health industry partner benefit from this program?

This program is intended to increase the supply of high demand healthcare workers. It also should improve access for graduates of high demand positions into employment with nursing homes and other health industry partners in the state of Louisiana, improving retention of health care workers within the state. Scholarships for students completing training in high demand healthcare programs is an example of a proposal where a nursing home could partner with a training program for that credential and commit to funding (or in kind donations) that would be matched by the HERO program.

Should proposals address all of the purposes listed in the RFP?

No, just as many as applicable.

Can the match, for the matching requirement, come from multiple project partner? If yes, how many partners must be healthcare partners?

The match can come from multiple partners but the funding grant cannot exceed the contributions (monetary or in-kind) from the health care industry partners. An example would be: if the total approved budget is $200,000, and the legislation mandates a 50/50 match with a community partner, the grant would accommodate $100,000 towards the total budget, while the two partners would contribute $50,000 each.

Is there an expectation that any student benefitting from H.E.R.O. funding/healthcare partner match funding commit to employment with the respective healthcare partner upon graduation? If so, for what period of time?

Health care industry partners providing funding for the HERO program may incorporate work requirements into employment terms with students receiving financial support from the organization, provided the requirement is reasonable and agreed upon by both parties. Approval of the terms shall be on a case-by-case basis by LDH.

We have a few programs who would benefit from this funding but are not in a position to submit a proposal at this time. Will this funding opportunity be offered again next year?

This program is intended to be offered on an annual basis and possibly more frequently depending on legislative funding and approval.

Do System applicants have to list all their locations?

System applicants should list the program locations applicable to the proposal. For example, if an educational system is submitting a proposal for an RN program, the locations that will be included in the proposal should be identified.

What amounts will be considered for funding?

Grant proposals will be considered across a very broad range of funding, depending on the needs and financial contribution of the health industry partner.

Will the expectation be that there will be at least one award for each region?

Yes. Based on the proposals received, the intent is to grant multiple awards per region.
