Congratulations on passing your exam(s).
After receiving notification that you have passed an exam you must then apply and pay for the license fee to obtain that license.
If you believe you do not have all the points for the education and experience you can complete the Education and Experience Update Form.
This form can be obtained here: EDUCATION AND EXPERIENCE UPDATE FORM
EDUCATION: can only be updated if we receive your college transcripts, military DD214 and any trade or technical education that you wish evaluated. Simply writing your education is not sufficient.
EXPERIENCE: Be sure to thoroughly describe all current/prior positions applicable to water and wastewater certification. The form MUST be signed and it MUST include dates in order to determine experience points.
Go to the following publication for a full explanation on how points are calculated.
Examination scores are valid for two years from the date that you take the examination. After two years, your exam results are no longer valid.
Class 1-2 courses count toward hours for licenses for Class 3-4 because Class 1 & 2 information is part of the Need-to-Know for Class 3 & 4. The Class 1-2 course does NOT, however, count as an allowable course for testing for Class 3-4. You must take a Class 3-4 course in order to take a Class 3-4 exam.
At this time there are no fees for processing applications. There are fees for exams, licenses and replacement Certificates and IDs.
Currently, there is a charge of five ($5) dollars per test. This is due at the exam site after you have completed your exams.
Payment is accepted via credit card, check, money order, and cash.
The first water certification is $20. Each additional water certification is $10. If you hold all three water certifications (Treatment, Production and Distribution), the current initial certification cost would be $40.
$20 + $10 +$10
The first wastewater certification is $20. An additional wastewater certification is $10. If you hold both wastewater certifications (Treatment, Collection), the current initial certification cost would be $30.
$20 + $10
If you are seeking both water and wastewater certification, the fee is $20 for the first of each. Each additional would be $10.
$20 + $20
The renewal fees are the same as the initial certification fees. These fees are paid every two years.
Five ($5) dollars. Just send in the fee with a letter for the appropriate request addressed to the attention "Operator Certification" at the following address:
Mailing address:
Louisiana Department of Health & Hospitals
Office of Public Health - Operator Certification Program
P.O. Box 4489 Bin #10 Box #6
Baton Rouge, LA 70821-0629
Submit a completed Course Approval Form to the Certification Training Officer with attachments as necessary with the following information:
1. Subject(s) to be covered.
2. Time to be spent on each subject.
3. Categories of certification to be covered (form has box to circle all that apply).
4. Instructor qualifications (Certifications held, education, experience, etc.)
It is normally best to send a separate agenda which supplies the information in 1 & 2 above.
The original sign-in sheets must be mailed no later than 30-days upon completion of the course. The mailing address is:
Attention: Training Officer
DHH/OPH/Operator Certification
Post Office Box 4489 Bin #10 Box #6
Baton Rouge, La 70821-4489
If any person does not attend the complete approved course, the instructor is required to submit a summary form for the course which details how many hours each individual attended.