DHH Begins Transformation of Long-Term Supports and Services
DHH releases concept paper launching a comprehensive transformation aimed at improving the quality of life for elderly adults and individuals with developmental or physical disabilities
Friday, August 30, 2013 | Contact: Olivia Watkins; (225) 342-1463 or (225) 610-8660 (cell) |

Baton Rouge, La. - The Department of Health and Hospitals today released a concept paper outlining the initial steps in a process to better manage long-term supports and services for thousands of Louisiana residents. The document, titled "Transforming Louisiana's Long Term Care Supports and Services System," provides the initial framework for a discussion with consumers, community members, advocates and the public about the best path forward for implementing managed long-term supports and services (MLTSS) in Louisiana. The goals of the program outlined in the concept paper are to improve the quality and coordination of care, utilize proven practices, expand service choices for patients and families, and improve the financial stability of programs aimed at serving individuals in need of long-term supports and services in their communities.
The framework outlined in the concept paper considers inclusion of three key populations receiving long-term supports and services - frail elderly, individuals with adult-onset disabilities, and individuals with developmental disabilities. Final decisions about program design will be made in line with guidance from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services and in conjunction with significant stakeholder input. The concept paper outlines areas where the Department is seeking guidance, including options on benefit design, populations to be included, coordination of care, consumer protection, provider requirements, desired outcomes and quality measures, choosing effective partners and ensuring accountability.
"When we design systems to provide long-term care for those in our communities, we must prioritize quality of life. By creating a comprehensive, managed system of care, we can care for more individuals in high-quality settings and produce better health outcomes," said DHH Secretary Kathy Kliebert. "This process is going to involve extensive involvement from consumers, family members, advocates and providers. We want their input as we begin this process so that we create a system that works best for communities throughout Louisiana."
The transformation process will be guided by an advisory group comprised of stakeholders based on the recommendations from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. That advisory group will include representation from advocacy, consumer, policy, government and provider groups.
Public engagement and input will be a critical component of the transformation outlined in the concept paper. DHH plans to hold public forums throughout the state to solicit meaningful dialogue, to answer questions and accept public comments. The advisory group will also meet regularly to advise the Department through its design and implementation of the MLTSS program. Throughout the process, information (including a schedule of meetings and forums) will be posted on MakingMedicaidBetter.com. Comments, questions and feedback may also be submitted by email to LongTermCare@la.gov.
Visit MakingMedicaidBetter.com/LongTermCare to download a copy of the concept paper.