Louisiana Ranks 12th in Nation for Serving Disabilities Population
Wednesday, May 14, 2014 | Contact: Kathleen Meyers; (225) 342-8518 |
BATON ROUGE -- An independent analysis ranked Louisiana 12th in how it delivers care for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (ID/DD). The 2014 Case for Inclusion rankings produced by the United Cerebral Palsy (UCP) is an annual ranking of how well state Medicaid programs serve Americans with intellectual and developmental disabilities. The Case for Inclusion ranks all 50 states and the District of Columbia on their outcomes for Americans with ID/DD. In addition to being ranked 12, Louisiana was the second most improved state, jumping 36 spots, from 44 in 2007 to 12 in 2014.
"We are very encouraged by the strides DHH, stakeholders and legislators have made in changing how Louisiana delivers care to residents with intellectual and developmental disabilities," said DHH Secretary Kathy H. Kliebert. "Our home and community-based services closely align with mission and ranking criteria outlined by Case for Inclusion. We will continue to ensure that those we serve flourish and thrive in their communities."
The study identifies four key aspects of a high functioning and effective Medicaid program, creating a four-part holistic approach to increasing outcomes. The four parts include:
- Promoting Independence - People with disabilities will live in and participate in their communities.
- Promoting Productivity - People with disabilities will have satisfying lives and valued social roles.
- Keeping Families Together and Reaching Those in Need - People with disabilities will have sufficient access to needed support, and control over that support so that the assistance they receive contributes to the lifestyles they desire.
- Tracking Health, Safety and Quality of Life - People will be safe and healthy in the environments in which they live.
Louisiana was noted for various achievements including the number of individuals served in the community and the resources allocated for community support. Louisiana was one of 15 states supporting a large share of families through family support. These support services provide assistance to families that are caring for children with disabilities at home, which keeps families together, and in a community setting. In the sub-ranking by major category, Louisiana ranked second for keeping families together. Louisiana was also recognized for promoting productivity due to the number of people with ID/DD working in competitive employment.
"DHH's Office for Citizens with Development Disabilities (OCDD) works hard daily to improve outcomes in the ID/DD community," said Mark A. Thomas Assistant Secretary for OCDD. "We want to continue on this positive trajectory and increase our national outcomes ranking. DHH is very excited about the future of disability services in Louisiana."
To learn more about the Case for Inclusion rankings visit http://cfi2014.ucp.org/.
The Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals strives to protect and promote health statewide and to ensure access to medical, preventive and rehabilitative services for all state citizens. To learn more about DHH, visit http://www.dhh.louisiana.gov. For up-to-date health information, news and emergency updates, follow DHH's Twitter account and Facebook.