Houma – Health officials said today laboratory tests on samples from the suspect tuberculosis case at H.L.Bourgeois High School now have been completed and the individual has been confirmed to have TB. This individual is not showing symptoms, is no longer considered contagious, is undergoing appropriate treatment and has been cleared to return to school.
The initial skin testing of 265 students revealed that only six had a positive result. This is less than half a percent of those tested. Health officials only expand testing if the skin tests indicate more than 20 percent of those who had close contact with the known case test positive for the TB germ.
“We will be conducting repeat tests next month on those individuals who tested negative to rule out any additional infection,” said Dr. Mickey Viator, Medical Director for the Office of Public Health in the Houma region. “As with the initial investigation, those who test positive on the repeat skin tests will be offered further medical evaluation and possible treatment.”
If the second wave of testing reveals greater than 20 percent positive rate, the Office of Public Health will expand the investigation. Parents, teachers, students and other staff members will be notified in advance of the repeat testing dates.
“The Office of Public Health will continue to investigate this case and provide the latest information to all parties involved,” said Joey Hebert, TB Control Program Manager. “This is not a time for alarm but a time to make the right medical decisions for all those involved,” he said.