Baton Rouge --- The Department of Health today awarded a contract to two consulting groups to help the Department of Health make the most of its federal funds.  The contract was part of a mandate from Gov. Mike Foster’s office that asked the department investigate where it could recover additional federal revenues in the budget. 

LDH sent a Request for Proposals for Development of Initiatives to Maximize Federal Revenues to several consulting groups, asking them to submit proposals.  Department representatives then evaluated the submitted proposals to see which company had the best approach on potential initiatives. 

The department has offered contracts to the Medical Advocacy Services for Health Care (MASH) group of Fort Worth, Texas and to the Public Consulting Group (PCG), a Boston-based firm.   The MASH group primarily will work on ways to maximize federal revenues from assisting disabled individuals in getting Social Security Disability Insurance, while the PCG group primarily will examine ways to draw more federal revenue from Medicaid funds.   

Both groups will be paid out of the additional revenues generated as a result of the contractor’s efforts. Payment to the MASH group will be a set fee per person certified for Social Security Disability Insurance and whole payments to the PCG group will be based on a set percentage of the additional federal revenues they help the department obtain. 

LDH hopes to begin work with the companies under their respective contracts by May 1.