A proposed settlement has been reached in the above-referenced federal Multi-District Litigation lawsuit against Interior/Exterior Building Supply, LP ("InEx") and other named defendants. The proposed settlement affects all persons or entities with possible claims (against the named defendants) related to Chinese Drywall sold, marketed, or distributed by InEx. Affected persons wishing to opt-out of or object to the proposed settlement must notify Plaintiff's Lead Counsel and Counsel for InEx in writing by December 18, 2011. The federal court will conduct a formal Fairness Hearing concerning the proposed settlement on February 3, 2012. For additional information, including important dates, deadlines, and terms, see the Notices, Orders and other items filed with or issued by the federal court at this link: http://www.laed.uscourts.gov/drywall/drywall.htm . If you have any questions concerning the proposed settlement, you may contact the Settlement Class Counsel [Russ Herman, telephone (504) 581-4892 and/or Arnold Levin, telephone (215) 592-1500] or your own counsel.