The Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals/Commission for the Deaf (hereinafter referred to as LDH/LCD) issues this Request for Information (RFI) with the intent to determine the interest and capabilities of provider organizations to provide an operational Regional Services Center in the Monroe region (Caldwell, East Carroll, Franklin, Jackson, Lincoln, Madison, Morehouse, Ouachita, Richland, Tensas, Union, West Carroll parishes) for provision of advocacy and accessibility services to persons with deafness, deaf-blindness, hearing loss and/or speech impairment.  The LCD/contractor partnership will allow for ongoing oversight, data collection, and technical assistance to promote advocacy and accessibility to public and private services for persons with deafness, deaf-blindness, hearing loss and/or speech impairment.

DHH/LCD welcomes all responses to this RFI from qualified providers.  This RFI is intended to learn of potential provider interest and capabilities if, in fact, the Department chooses to enter into a social services contract.  This is not a Request for Proposals, although responses to the RFI may be used to assist LDH/LCD in selecting providers to offer participation in a social services contract using the evaluation process and criteria in section 5 below.  The process uses specialized criteria to provide an objective determination of capacity based upon the needs of the target population served.  

DHH/LCD will not pay for the preparation of any information or response submitted in response to this RFI, nor will the Department award a contract or pay for any use of response information.