Dr. Rebekah Gee, Louisiana Medicaid Medical Director, will host a teleconference on Wednesday, Oct. 15, to educate providers on LDH's new family planning Medicaid program - Take Charge Plus.
Take Charge Plus replaces the current Take Charge program, building on the best elements of the program while enhancing benefits. These include:
- Providing coverage for both males and females of child bearing age.
- Increasing the number of family planning visits to seven per year.
- Paying for testing and treatment of sexually transmitted infections (STIs).
- Providing non-emergency medical transportation to family planning appointments.
Take Charge Plus began accepting new applicants Sept. 1. Current Take Charge enrollees who still qualify were transitioned to the new program Oct. 1.
The call will take place from noon to 1 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 15. Dr. Gee will give a program overview and answer questions from providers. The call-in information (pre-registration is not required) is as follows:
- Call-in number: 1-888-278-0296
- Access Code: 6556479#
The calls will only address questions related to Take Charge Plus, and the transition from the current Take Charge program. Any questions related to Bayou Health, legacy Medicaid or pharmacy should be directed to the appropriate department. Providers also can communicate with Medicaid staff via email at bayouhealth@la.gov.