Emergency Preparedness Activities - LAC 48:I.601,603, and 605
December 10, 2019
This Chapter is enacted to authorize hospitals and other health care providers to use protected health information for the sole purpose of participating in emergency preparedness training, which includes testing the functionality of the AtRisk Registry.
The AtRisk Registry assists providers with the safe evacuation of at-risk patients, by keeping track of at-risk patients in any emergency event. The AtRisk Registry is able to integrate with the military systems used to plan and execute evacuations. In order to ensure proper use of the Louisiana AtRisk Registry during public health emergencies, it is critical that health care providers engage in exercises that simulate the actual process prior to an emergency event. Training of proper use of the system, which involves using protected health information, helps to ensure patient health and safety and timely evacuation in the event of a true public health emergency.
Contact Information: Henry Yennie, Office of Public Health, P.O. Box 629, Baton Rouge, LA 70821—0629.
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Notice of Intent: December 20, 2019 (La. Register)