May 25, 2020 - The Louisiana Department of Health has updated its website to reflect the latest number of COVID-19 positives and will continue to update its website at noon each day.

LDH has resolved the server issue that impacted reporting on commercial lab data on May 23-24, and more than 95% of impacted labs have been pulled into today’s reporting.

Nursing homes
Nursing homes are required to report positive COVID-19 cases to the Department of Health. The Department is working with each individual facility to increase testing of residents with and without symptoms; to minimize infection; and to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

The greatest risk for nursing homes is COVID-19 spreading within facilities and among vulnerable residents. A nursing home with residents who have tested positive for the illness is not a threat to the general public.

The Department is following recent CMS requirements and only certified nursing facilities are required to report the information in this report. This information is as complete and accurate as possible. It will be reported weekly on Mondays. Click here for the full report.

Other adult residential facilities
In addition, the Department is sharing aggregate totals for other adult residential facilities, which are not certified and not required to report on a federal level. This information will be shared on Mondays through a Department news release. Today, the Department is reporting a total of 607 COVID-19 cases among residents of other adult residential facilities and 91 deaths. 108 facilities are reporting at least one COVID-19 case.